Cryptohack - JWT Sessions [10 pts]

The Solution is shared considering CAN I SHARE MY SOLUTIONS? Problem The traditional way to store sessions is with session ID cookies. After you login to a website, a session object is created for you on the backend (the server), and your browser (the client) is given a cookie which identifies that object. As you make requests to the site, your browser automatically sends the session ID cookie to the backend server, which uses that ID to find your session in its own memory and thus authorise you to perform actions. ...

February 3, 2021 · 2 min · Aditya Telange

Cryptohack - Token Appreciation [5 pts]

The Solution is shared considering CAN I SHARE MY SOLUTIONS? Problem JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) is a framework specifying ways to securely transmit information on the internet. It’s most well-known for JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), which are used to authorise yourself on a website or application. JWTs typically do this by storing your “login session” in your browser after you have authenticated yourself by entering your username and password. In other words, the website gives you a JWT that contains your user ID, and can be presented to the site to prove who you are without logging in again. JWTs look like this: ...

February 3, 2021 · 2 min · Aditya Telange
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