On 13th Feb 2021 PaperMod went viral !!! 🤯
Hugo-PaperMod is a side-project of mine, which is a Hugo Theme. I started modifying/optimizing this initially for my personal website but later decided to post it publicly on Hugo Themes. It is a modded version of Theme Paper.
For a brief overview, PaperMod is a blazing fast, clean and responsive theme with powerful SEO, and good documentation. And this on which this website is also themed upon 😉
You can check out the repo here: Hugo-PaperMod
So how did this happen?
On 12th Feb, I posted PaperMod on “Product-Hunt” - a popular website to share and discover new projects and products. Here is the link https://www.producthunt.com/posts/hugo-papermod
After few hours I received few upvotes (around 10), and it got a little traction. I thought that’s great, people like this!
But I was unaware of what was going to happen in the next few hours. After around 10 hrs PaperMod appeared on Github’s trending list for the day, and this was the point PaperMod went viral!
Once this happened PaperMod started receiving a lot of traffic and stargazers.
Insights as on 16-Feb-2021 of previous week
13th Feb was The BOOM 📈?
For stats, here’s the timeline: |
Project was initialized on 23-Aug-2020 |
Project Reached 500+ stars on 13-Feb-2021 |
Project Reached 1000+ stars on 15-Feb 2021 |
So it took around 6 months to reach 500 stars, but 3 days to reach 1000 stars !!!
And what I’ll say is “That’s the power 💪 of Github’s Trending Page”
Thanks to everyone who Starred it on Github :)