Merging AOSP Security Patches into Custom ROMs

Learn how Android Custom ROM developers merge AOSP security patches.

January 28, 2023 路 3 min 路 Aditya Telange

Primer on HTTP Security Headers

What are HTTP headers? HTTP headers are a list of key-value pairs which are sent along with HTTP requests and responses. Let us take an example with below request(left) and response(right): In the above snapshot, we can see that we have an HTTP request being sent to Host. Along with that request/response, we see Key:Value pairs, these are HTTP Headers. These look similar to YAML format. HTTP headers let the client and the server pass additional information with an HTTP request or response....

December 4, 2022 路 10 min 路 Aditya Telange

Image Zoom-In effect with HUGO

In this blog post we will look into how we can add a Zoom-In effect for better visibility. We will be using Markdown Render Hooks from Hugo with HTML & CSS, implementing a non-javascript solution. View the outcome 馃憞 About Markdown Render Hooks Hugo offers really handy Markdown Render Hooks. These allow custom templates to override markdown rendering functionality. We will be using render-image hook to process out the images in the post as per our needs....

September 10, 2022 路 3 min 路 Aditya Telange

HackTheBox - Legacy

Legacy is a relatively easy box which has SMB running on Windows XP(2000) OS. We find the exploit with metasploit and get access to priviledged user NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM directly.

June 3, 2022 路 4 min 路 Aditya Telange

HackTheBox - Lame

Lame is the 1st box on HackTheBox which requires only one exploit in Samba to obtain root access. We also explore other ways during we reach to superuser鈥檚 shell.

June 3, 2022 路 3 min 路 Aditya Telange
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